Monday, May 24, 2010

The Game Of Soccer

Stadium overcrowded by enthusiastic fans,
Cheering, waving flags, and clapping their hands.

Players are on the field, they’re ready to start,
There goes the whistle; it pumps up our hearts.

Adding strength to the ball, and kicking it high,
The ball travels overhead, how beautiful it can fly.

Over center field, and still it goes strong,
Pass received with ease, and the player runs long.

There he goes, for his opponent’s goal,
He dribbles through each player; he’s on a roll.

He takes the shot, and curves it by,
The keeper dives for it, far and high.

The goalie misses it; the ball’s in the net,
There’s a moment of silence, and no regrets.

The winners jump for joy, that win was a must,
Opponents heads tilt down low, they leave in disgust.

A player’s life fulfilled is playing world class,
To be playing all year long on the rich green grass.

Playing with heart may be sometimes tougher,

But that’s how you play the true game of soccer.

by Kristen-Chantelle Woo

This is an example of a free write poem. It is about the game of soccer, which is a huge part of the summer olympics and has many spectators around the world (especially Europeans). Being a huge fan of the sport myself, I think this poem captured the essence of the game from the player's point of view, as well as the spectator's. It is composed of rhyming couplets which create a light mood and at the same time tie the poem together nicely. Some examples of literary devices are alliteration (green grass), assonance (kicking it high), and imagery ( 'He takes the shot, and curves it by, The keeper dives for it, far and high'; 'rich green grass'). This poem ties into my theme as it is once again about an olympic sport, and about the emotions evoked in the athletes as well as in the spectators. My favourite line/stanza in this poem is the last rhyming couplet as I can really relate to it, that playing any game with heart can sometimes be tough, but at the same time it has to be done if I want to win.

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