Monday, May 24, 2010

Not Just Another Celebration

The street crowds roaring,

Yet another gold achieved,

Waves of red and white,

Cheering till early morning,

O’Canada proudly sung.

by Mara A.

This poem is an example of a tanka. A tanka, just like the haiku, is a type of Japanese poem. It contains a total of thirty one syllables: line one is five syllables in length, line two is seven, line three is five, line four is seven, and line five is also seven. This poem is about all the celebrations that were on the streets of downtown Vancouver whenever Canada would win another medal (especially a gold one). This poem of five lines is a concise idea of what went on every night, describing how the national anthem was heard everywhere and everyone's spirits kept high as celebrations and parties would go on till the early morning. Some poetic devices used in this poem are: metaphor (waves of red and white), alliteration/assonance (another gold achieved), hyperbole (street crowds roaring). The addition of the metaphor 'waves of red and white' is used in order to paint an image of everyone dressed in red and white and of the Canadian flag waving around everywhere you went.


  1. This poem provides clearly the pride of the Canadians in their athletes and country.
    All can relate to it, as the Olympics occurred just a few months ago. It successfully sets the mood.

  2. This poem reminds me of the olympics when they came here, and how much fun I had. This poem is good in that it brings back memories and paints a very vivid picture in my mind considering how short it is.

  3. Wow Mara! You definitely captured the nationalism in this poem! The imagery of red and white was very strong and I think of the Olympics this year!
    Good job!
